I always read
the Grapevine and thank you and
your staff for keeping it alive and filled with such wonderful
information. I know it is a community effort and it is greatly
We had a lovely time yesterday (Thanksgiving at Cantina
di Carignano) and so appreciate your organizing it. Otherwise, it would
have been a very lonely Thanksgiving for Micheal and me. Dinner was
excellent. And the fellowship was fantastic. Thank you.
Thank you. We
read Grapevine cover to cover,
including the advertisements, as soon as it arrives. It brings back fond
memories of our family of sixs year 2000 living near Lucca, and all our
trips back since then to the Lucca area.
advertising works well you may remember it was through seeing an ad
for Villa Boccella in the Grapevine
6 years ago that my sister and family and myself stayed there and then
that led onto my doing courses there too. So am very grateful to
I have to say
this again, I read the Grapevine
cover to cover and love it. Invaluable resource. Thank you for it.
Hello, I want to thank you for my translations.
I was able to get my Italian citizenship, through blood, on Tuesday at the
Italian Consulate in San Francisco. So thank you again for the speedy, accurate
translations of my American documents.
Karen B.
I buy and rely on Grapevine
so much whenever we are in Lucca, which has been at least once a year over the
last two decades. In recent years, Grapevine
has made such a difference to our visits so the first thing to say is: thank
you. I've just retired now, but I was a journalist for many years, on the
Financial Times, the BBC and The Times, so I always tend to measure papers on
how many things there are you really want to read in each issue. Anything above
about three I count as pretty good, so the fact I read
Grapevine cover to cover shows what I
Philip B.
Thank you. We will be
in Lucca this summer and hope to drop by your office to tell you how much we
enjoy Grapevine.
David P.
Thank you
for producing such a wonderful publication which allows me to stay connected to
one of my favorite places in the world. I look forward to every edition!
We have just received our first reading of
June's Grapevine's issue and we are strangely "homesick". Your writing and the
magazine's presentation is wonderful and imaginative with great sensitivity to
the local texture.
It is a great publication and I wish them
to continue - at least for another 20 years.
Mulino Dominillo
Grapevine is the first thing I buy after we arrive in Bagni di Lucca. I too
have kept my copies over the years. Good to know it can now be seen online.
Congratulations on the first twenty years of a very attractive and useful
Congratulations to the Grapevine. We found it very informative and may it
continue for many years to come.
Jim & Kerry
I have really
enjoyed the last two issues of the Grapevine. I thought the lake and
bench view photo on the cover of the most recent one by Silvano was
beautiful--and inspiring... A number of my friends and acquaintances have
spoken to me recently about renting a villa for two weeks in Northern
Italy--maybe coupled with food and wine, and maybe bicycling--as their idea
of an ideal vacation: I keep thinking you are living that life every day.
Good for you!
Dave (Colorado)
Can you please tell me when my
subscription runs out as I don't want to miss any copies.
B. M.
I find your publication
highly entertaining, packed with information and concise, thank you.
This issue (December 2012) is really great...
it is full of that Christmas feeling which I love!
complimentarmi per la bella rivista. Nonostante non capisca tutto quello che cθ
scritto, mi sono resa conto di quante indicazioni riesce a dare e quanti
argomenti tratta. Ne ho comprate cinque copie, per me, per i miei figli e per
due amiche.
I picked up a September copy
of your magazine when we were in Lucca in September. I enjoyed the
articles and found them to be very interesting and informative.
Thanks for
your help as always. You have been my beacon of
light in the Lucca area.
G. H.
I thought the cover of
this month's edition (August 2012, by Richard Claire) was
fabulous - congratulations on your choice.
Thank you for
having sent us this article (July 2012); it is really
Mattia Campetti
I am very excited because I have just read your article about
"day trip" - I think we are going to go!
Libby and Vincente
rocks! I am happy to tell you that I have got a dog sitting assignment
thanks to Grapevine!
Wonderful publication.
Hi, Grapevine is an excellent magazine
and I really enjoy being able to read about the cultural side of the area
and to keep up to date with events occurring in
Lucca and the surrounding towns
and cities.
For the Montecarlo journalism prize, "well
done and an honor most fitting"
When we first arrived
in Tuscany 3 years ago we thought that your magazine should be called 'Lifeline'
as it helped us to settle down here.
Chris and John
I just wrote to thank you for the magazine and
say how much I liked it, especially the article about the museum. Everything made
me long for Italy, which I will visit again someday, when all my animals have "crossed
over the rainbow" and I am be free to travel for a few weeks.
Your article Imagining Paradise was exceptional!! I wish I could express myself
in words and answer... maybe in the future I will!!
That sure is a fine foreman cat on the April cover!
I went out and bought several copies! My Ralph is immortalized in Italian
Journalism (March 2012 page 9)! What a thrill.
Thank you for all the hard work you and your team put into producing
Grapevine each month. It helps us keep in touch while we are away working in the winter
Thanks to you we have new members who are more precious than ever because the
town doesnt even pay our postage any more
. Thank you very much and good work
to you and your collaborators.
Lucia, Anglo-Italian Club - Viareggio
I still think
Grapevine is THE BEST, and feel completely lost when you are not
printing for the one month a year.
Congratulations again on another excellent issue of
Grapevine - it is going from
strength to strength.
I read your February issue of
Grapevine and compliment all the staff for your
excellent work.
About the
Grapevine, Kudo's and Congratulations on a fine job. The magazine is
It's a pretty magazine and deserves to be on coffee tables throughout America!
A reader
I bought your December issue and now your February edition at the news stand. I
will want a subscription when I know I can stay in Italy.
I have now read it cover to cover. What a good magazine is developing...
Congrats and thank you
